

Data collected during usage

We receive anonymized session information when you use Swivik. Fabric and HockeyApp collect these events. DevMate receives tracking events related to activations and trials.

We give you the option to help improve Swivik by sharing data about your usage. If you enable this option, we track specific actions you perform when Swivik is running. Examples include opening the Swivik panel and switching to a window. We do not collect identifying information about other applications you use, or the names of your windows. This data is anonymized.

Licensing and payment data handles our payments. Their privacy policy is accessible here. To process orders, they require information such as your name, address and card details. Prodiment Limited does not obtain your card details. We do obtain other information from, such as your name and email address.

DevMate handles our licensing and receives information from Paddle when you purchase Swivik. You can view their privacy policy here.

Crash reports

To make the application more stable for you, we need to fix crashes that occur. To allow us to do this, we collect data when the application crashes. The data includes diagnostics that will help us resolve it. This data is collected automatically by Fabric (Crashlytics). You can optionally submit crash reports to DevMate, along with personal information so we can contact you to help solve the issue.


So we can improve Swivik for you, you can provide feedback within the application. This feedback is collected by DevMate, along with any personal information you provide.

User-contributed reports

You can report errors and unexpected behavior from within the application, to make Swivik more reliable for you and other users. These reports are entirely voluntary. They contain information about the processes running on your computer and the windows you have open, to help us diagnose the issue you report. An example is the extraneous window reporting functionality.